RiskSpectrum Multi-Unit PSA
Quantify your multi-unit risk using your single unit PSA models
RiskSpectrum Multi-Unit PSA fully employ and utilize existing PSA models and their analyses of individual nuclear power plant units located at the same site.
The multi-unit scenarios are defined separately, by specifying initiating events affecting multiple units, failures of shared equipment, shared parts of safety systems, common cause failures of components across units, and possible human failure events with consequences exceeding a single unit.
Software In Action
Multi-Unit PSA Made Simple
The RiskSpectrum team has developed a method for making Multi-Unit PSA simple and scalable.
The scalability of the application is ensured using existing MCS lists for the single units.
As the failure combinations that are relevant for a single unit are represented by the single unit MCS list, the failure of several reactors should also be contained within those MCS lists.
Click the image on the right to open a document describing the details of RiskSpectrum Multi-Unit PSA
What is the Impact?
Two large size PSA model were used simulating multi-unit CCFs and multi-unit human error dependencies.
As expected, an increase in the multi-unit release probability can be seen when multi-unit dependency is considered.
The only inputs necessary for the quantification were the MCS of the single units and a list of the multi-unit CCF events and human error dependencies.