

Fire Risk Investigation 3D
Fire Modelling and Vizualization Tool

FRI3D is an integrated fire modelling, simulation and visualization platform for analyzing fire scenarios reducing the effort needed for Fire Risk Modelling by at least 50%.  It integrates the key aspects of fire logic model, plant model, spatial data and fire simulation into a single easy-to-use platform. 

Centroid Lab and RiskSpectrum have developed an interface between FRI3D and RiskSpectrum PSA. 

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Software In Action


Where does one start?

It is easy to import Plant database info into FRI3D, such as information and linking logic for compartments, raceways, cables, components, basic events

Next you assign the main RiskSpectrum PSA model to FRI3D.

Modelling compartments in FRI3D is very easy. There is no need to model the compartments in 3D in the beginning. The application is up and running with just plant data. 3D geometry can be incrementally built. 

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FRI3D includes a library of fire sources

  • A library of hundreds of fire sources comes with the software and is ready to be used. This in itself is a huge advantage as it provides you with fire source data for the most common equipment in nuclear powerplants. 

Fire Sources


Scenario Automation

Having setup the models in FRI3D you can now run simulations to determine the failure probabilties and export them to the RiskSpectrum PSA model. 
  • CFAST or FDS can be used for fire estimates in the simulations. 
  • The database logic is used to determine basic event failures probabilities. 
  • The basic events and their failure probabilities can now be exported to the RiskSpectrum PSA model.  

FRI3D can also run the RiskSpectrum analysis cases and present the results in FRI3D.

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